Partner Incentive • Cisco HyperFlex Partner by invitation only • Sell Cisco HyperFlex with Intersight to a New Customer and earn up to US$20,000 per sale • Payout Schedule: $5,000 payout for deal > $50,000 $10,000 payout for deal > $100,000 $20,000 payout for deal > $200,000 Cisco Partner Offers How to Participate • To qualify for the incentive, the opportunity must be HyperFlex registered prior to the order placement • A MOU will be created for partner online acceptance New Customer • Intersight License must be purchased for all HX servers in Partner Incentive FY21 a single HyperFlex + Intersight order Payment • Order must be placed between 25 Nov 2020 and 24 July 2021 • Payment to the Partner directly from Cisco via the MOU tool ©© 2020 2020 CCiisscoco a annd/d/oorr iittss aaffiffilliiaatteess.. AAllll rriighghttss r reesseerrvveed.d. • Maximum of four payouts per Partner company Cisco ASEAN Virtual Partner Conference

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